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Earn money online

Earn money online?

It's very easy to earn money on seosite.eu. All you have to do is place an "affiliate link" on your own website. You'll find this partner link when you're logged in on seosite.eu and go to partnerlink. Copy the entire link and place it on your website, Instagram or Facebook page. Now you're ready to make money on seosite.eu.

affiliate SEO panel.
Screenshot of the affiliate earn money online panel.

How does it work?

Every time a visitor clicks on the link and arrives at the seosite.eu website, we record that this visitor visited our site via you. If this visitor is a marketer, website owner or just a visitor, you earn 25% of the revenue that this visitor generates on seosite.eu throughout your lifetime.

The earnings

For example: if a marketer who visits us through you subscribes for € 49 per month to improve websites on seosite.eu, then you earn 25% of € 49 each month, which is %euro; 12.25 per month. And that is 147 euros per year!

It is important that you copy the exact link from the partner link in the dashboard. That way, you can be sure that all visits are properly tracked from your website.

The conditions

We do have some requirements. Your website, Instagram or Facebook page must have something to do with SEO pages, such as webmaster, interior websites, blogs about mortgages etc. We always reserve the right to refuse a website that does not comply with the seosite.eu partner policy.

When do I get paid?

We pay out all amounts under € 50 on the first of the following month.

How will I be paid?

We will send the money via PayPal to the e-mail address which you can find under my account when you are logged in at SeoSite.

The statistics

On the partner link page, you can also see how many times your link has been clicked, by whom and what you have earned.


  • web scraping
  • web scraping sites
  • web site scraping

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How to create rich snippets The first thing is to identify what the focus is for Google to see ..

19-12-2022 0 reacties

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